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Michael S Hebel SFPOA Welfare Officer

Ask Mike…the Retirees’ Corner

Published Date: 
August 1, 2012


Police Officer Brian Stansbury is running for the Retirement Board commissioner seat just vacated by retired Captain Al Casciato.  Al served with dedication and distinction for over 20 years.  His was an active member’s seat; his retirement created a vacancy.  The POA,  Firefighters Union (local 798), and the Veteran Police Officers’ Association, along with commissioner Joe Driscoll and Al Casciato, have recognized Brian’s professional investment experience and are endorsing him for this Retirement Board seat. 

Journal Edition: 

Ask Mike…the Retirees’ Corner

Published Date: 
May 1, 2012


Q. Mike, I am a married, retired member – age 60. I am considering purchasing long term care. What is your recommendation?

A. I must first tell you that my wife and I have long term care insurance purchased through the Public Employees’ Retirement System’s long-term care program. I purchased it right around your age. I am not sure that I could get the coverage now and, if I could, the cost would be considerably higher.

Journal Edition: 

Stock Market Total Returns

Published Date: 
December 1, 2011

Q.  Mike, I am a Tier I retiree and I have left my monies in my deferred compensation plan.  That is, I have yet to begin to receive distributions.  My wife would like to begin to use this money and I think it is probably time to do so.  I plan to withdraw about 4% to 5% per year for the next several years.  I have 50% of my money in stable value and 50% in stock portfolios.  What do you think will be the return on stocks over the next decade?

Journal Edition: 
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