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Past Presidents

Martin Gary
Martin Halloran
5/2013 - 5/2018
Gary P. Delagnes
2/2004 - 5/2013
Christopher H. Cunnie
12/1996 - 2/2004
Alfred D. Trigueiro
2/1991 - 12/1996
Michael A. Keys
2/1989 - 2/1991
Robert F. Barry
2/1979 - 2/1983
2/1985 - 2/1989
Paul C. Chignell
10/1984 - 2/1985
Croce A. Casciato
2/1983 - 10/1984
Gerald A. Crowley
1972 - 1979
Gerald D'Arcy
1971 - 1972
John Lehane 1970-1971
Harold Bell 1969-1970
Edward Clark 1968-1969
Lee Marelli 1967-1968
William Allen 1964-1966
Raymond White 1961-1964
Robert McKee 1960-1961
Sol Weiner 1959-1960
Carlton Vogelsang 1958-1959
Vincent Simpson 1957-1958
Peter Gardner 1956-1957
James Diggins 1955-1956
John Conroy 1952-1953
James McGovern 1946 ?
Herbert King 3/1946
William Murphy Dates Unknown
Matt Carberry Dates Unknown

* Please Note: Name/Dates are approximate. If you have further information, please contact the SFPOA, (415) 861-5060