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September 2010

Close Encounters

Published Date: 
September 1, 2010

You will soon have the opportunity to participate in a survey we are working on right now that will give us a better understanding about how you feel about the job the Office of Citizen Complaints (OCC) is supposed to be doing. We think we have a pretty good idea about your feelings for the 'new and improved' citizen oversight division but we still want to capture your thoughts.

Journal Edition: 

Attack of the Killer Initiatives

Published Date: 
September 1, 2010

Like some horror movie where monster after monster keeps on coming despite the hero's best efforts to slay them, we now see at the close of a summer filled with deep and painful concessions for most public employee unions - indeed, what many had hoped would signal the end of "takeaways," at least for the moment - the approach of fall with a November ballot filled with numerous voter initiatives aimed at further hacking away at public employee pay and benefits. Here's a sampling of what will be before the voters in the Bay Area, come November 2nd:

Journal Edition: 

Jeff Barker Scholarship Awards

Published Date: 
September 1, 2010

The annual Jeff Scholarship Awards were presented in late August to dependents of active, retired, and deceased members. The recipients of these awards were judged by the POA Scholarship Committee on their academics, extracurricular activities, community service, and a five hundred word essay. The topic chosen for this year was "Tell us about a mentoring program that you would like to develop and why."

Journal Edition: 

Jeff Adachi: Reformer, or Fat-Cat Front Man?

Published Date: 
September 1, 2010

Over my 20 years of involvement in the POA, I have definitely met my share of quirky and agenda-driven people in the world of San Francisco Politics. Most come and go like a tide on a mudflat. They wash in, and then wash out. Here today, gone tomorrow. Most move on eventually, but others like it, and stick around, moving from one elected office to the next.

Journal Edition: 
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