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May 2010

Art Scholarships…

Published Date: 
May 1, 2010

Congratulations to Sgt. Gerry Newbeck of Bayview Station, and Officer Albern "Al" Ciudad of Central Station, as they have been chosen as this year's winners of the Academy of Art University of San Francisco scholarship. I am so pleased for both Gerry and Al and their families as these scholarships will afford them a wonderful gift and tremendous opportunity to enhance their futures.

Journal Edition: 

A Call to the Table is not a Call for Service

Published Date: 
May 1, 2010

The reality of life truly hit home on our recent trip to the annual Harvard-sponsored seminar on police labor issues. After hearing and sharing information regarding the current plight of the economy and the resulting effect that it has had on police officers, firefighters, and other public employees across the United States and Canada, we heard the wake-up call loud and clear.

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Journal Edition: 
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