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August 2012

Ask Mike…the Retirees’ Corner

Published Date: 
August 1, 2012


Police Officer Brian Stansbury is running for the Retirement Board commissioner seat just vacated by retired Captain Al Casciato.  Al served with dedication and distinction for over 20 years.  His was an active member’s seat; his retirement created a vacancy.  The POA,  Firefighters Union (local 798), and the Veteran Police Officers’ Association, along with commissioner Joe Driscoll and Al Casciato, have recognized Brian’s professional investment experience and are endorsing him for this Retirement Board seat. 

Journal Edition: 

Chief's Corner

Published Date: 
August 1, 2012

We entered July without more than a few of the legendary cops that had served for decades as they retired at the end of June.  I’m not going to name any names for fear of leaving someone out so I’ll just leave it at, “You know who you are”.   As we look for you for the sage wisdom we have taken for granted, that we thought would always be there, and find you gone, “we will always remember.” Best of luck in your well earned retirements.

Journal Edition: 

We are Republicans with Democratic Needs

Published Date: 
August 1, 2012

Police officers are unlike any other union members in the country. Unlike most blue-collar workers in America, police officers witness everyday the failings of the criminal justice and the social assistance systems. We have a front row seat in the courtroom everyday witnessing the futility of a criminal justice system that allows criminals to walk free and then blames police instead of failed, under-funded, or pork-barrel non-profit social programs for a rising crime rate.

Journal Edition: 
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