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December 2011

This & That…

Published Date: 
December 1, 2011

It was a true Family [House] Thanksgiving…

I hope every one of you had a great Thanksgiving Holiday and took advantage of every opportunity to spend time with friends and loved ones.

I know that many members of our department were involved in several holiday functions around the city this Thanksgiving. One event that has become a favorite tradition is the cooking of a Thanksgiving meal with all the trimmings for the wonderful people, staff, and guests of UCSF Family House at 50 Irving Street.

Journal Edition: 

Police-Fire Post 456 News

Published Date: 
December 1, 2011

Ho-ka hey! It is a good day to fight! It is a good day to die! Strong hearts, brave hearts to the front! Weak hearts and cowards to the rear!

                                                                                            - Crazy Horse, Oglala Sioux chief


Journal Edition: 

Stock Market Total Returns

Published Date: 
December 1, 2011

Q.  Mike, I am a Tier I retiree and I have left my monies in my deferred compensation plan.  That is, I have yet to begin to receive distributions.  My wife would like to begin to use this money and I think it is probably time to do so.  I plan to withdraw about 4% to 5% per year for the next several years.  I have 50% of my money in stable value and 50% in stock portfolios.  What do you think will be the return on stocks over the next decade?

Journal Edition: 

They Have Our Unqualified Support

Published Date: 
December 1, 2011

It would be easy to sit back and gloat over our trouncing of Jeff Adachi in the November election, and let him be to scurry about in the shadows cast on his mediocrity by more prominent and successful politicians.  It would be easy to treat him with the snubbing that he deserves; that of another defeated antagonist who, in desperation, attempted to use the good name and reputation of dedicated San Francisco police officers to further his own personal career and the cop-bashing agenda of the far left.  But, I can’t let go of this rat’s tail just yet.

Journal Edition: 
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