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January 2011

Widows and Orphans

Published Date: 
January 1, 2011

The regular meeting of the Widows' and Orphans' Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department was called to order by President John Centurioni at 1:55 PM in the Conference Room of Ingleside Station.

Prior to the Pledge of Allegiance the Widows’ presented a brand new American Flag to Ingleside Station and Orphans' Aid Association Secretary Mark Hurley had the honor to have Lieutenant Mike Moran accept the Flag on behalf of Ingleside Station.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by President John Centurioni.

Journal Edition: 

Seven-Pointed Star of the San Francisco Police Department

Published Date: 
January 1, 2011

By John Murphy

The Officers of the San Francisco Police Department have been wearing the seven-pointed star since 1886. The seven-pointed star is worn over the left breast ostensibly implying that the star is meant to protect the most vulnerable part of the human body; the heart. However, when I began to research the origin of the seven-pointed star, I learned that the star meant much more to the Department's founding fathers. It symbolized their belief in God and in the Book of Revelation (Christian Bible).

Journal Edition: 

This & That…

Published Date: 
January 1, 2011

I have often believed that our members’ dedication and service to the citizens of San Francisco is second to none. This belief has been fostered through our members constant involvement in the many voluntary activities throughout the city that have benefited those less fortunate than us, including the elderly, the very young, those who are sick or infirm, and many who could use some assistance and encouragement along the way.

Journal Edition: 

Police-Fire Post 456 News

Published Date: 
January 1, 2011

“And how can man die better, Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his Gods.”
Horatius, Lord Macaulay

On the evening of December 14, 2010 members of the Police-Fire Post visited patients at Ft. Miley. Post Commander Peter Mellett, along with Mario Gonzalez, Jeremiah Morgan, Paul Wallace, Bill Wakefield, and John Scully participated in our annual visit to the veterans that are spending the holidays in the hospital. We gave gifts, Christmas cards (with a double sawbuck inside), and profuse thanks for their service.

Journal Edition: 
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