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December 2010

Prop. B Defeat – A Measure of Delagnes Leadership

Published Date: 
December 1, 2010

At long last, there is some good news to write about: as I’m sure everyone is aware, Proposition B, the so-called “pension reform” measure, was handily defeated at the ballot box on November 2nd. What’s more, labor’s victory was overwhelming: San Franciscans rejected Public Defender Jeff Adachi’s “takeaway” legislation by a whopping 57.5%. As the New York Times reported, this victory amounted to an absolute “trouncing” by public employee labor of the Prop B forces.

Journal Edition: 

Close Encounters

Published Date: 
December 1, 2010

By Steve Johnson

We left off last month with a critique, of sorts, of the 3rd Quarter Report submitted by the Office of Citizen Complaints (OCC). It wasn't pretty. This document actually redefines the literary term, 'non-fiction'.

They could be backed up 1,000 cases, or maybe not. Hard to tell the way the numbers were presented. And there were also more dispositions than cases filed . . . how does that work?

Journal Edition: 

Around The Department

Published Date: 
December 1, 2010

…Thank You All:
Proposition B was defeated and I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who helped. I want to especially thank those City Employees who took leaves of absence to work on the “No on B” Campaign. Those employees truly recognized the Proposition B for what it was and would do and they committed their lost time to protect all actives and retirees.

Journal Edition: 

Western States Police and Fire Games

Published Date: 
December 1, 2010

Track and Field 2010
By Alex Jackson,
Airport Bureau (Ret.)

To the officers who inquired: Yes, I did compete in the Police And Fire Games in Track And Field, which were held at the Reed High School in Sparks, Nevada. As always, I trained and ran my races in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, God's son. I also called to mind the plight of the poor, the homeless and the sick. I prayed that God would alleviate their pain and suffering.

Journal Edition: 
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