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Around The Department

December 1, 2010
Around The Department

…Thank You All:
Proposition B was defeated and I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who helped. I want to especially thank those City Employees who took leaves of absence to work on the “No on B” Campaign. Those employees truly recognized the Proposition B for what it was and would do and they committed their lost time to protect all actives and retirees.

What now and what does the future hold?
    - Public Defender Jeff Adachi has already committed to putting another petition campaign together for the November 2011 election. What shape will that Charter Amendment take? Who knows but rest assured that it will not be good because it is being born from venom.
    - Mayor Gavin Newsom has put together a group consisting of administration, business and labor leaders to try and address the pension and health benefits in the context of our current fiscal climate. The group met on Thursday November 18 and began discussing the issues (factually) with a goal of working together in a clam rational manner to find solutions that will transcend time.

Each and every one of us must stay abreast of what is occurring and remain in the “campaign mode” daily. We are the target at this time in history and the resolutions we find for today’s issues will impact future generations of tax payers and public employees.

I urge all of the members of the legislative branch to study carefully the history of our retirement and health systems so that when you propose legislation you will avoid making the mistakes of the past: such as legislation filled with unintended consequences that breeds charter amendment after charter amendment that strive to correct inequities, abolish tiers and enhance benefits in “good times”. Hopefully legislation will be written, today, that will be fair to all in good times and in bad. Otherwise we are doomed to relive the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and early 00’s that are now starting to be repeated in the late 00’s and early 10’s before the complete cycle starts again carrying us into the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s.

I know that I will not be around to look back when we get to the 50’s but hopefully my children and grandchildren will look back and be able to say “thank you” to today’s legislators and voters for not having repeated the mistakes of the past. Hopefully they will find themselves living in a world where retirement and health systems are efficient, solvent and fair to all…

…Widows and Orphans:
Keeping ones address and beneficiary current is critical for the peace of mind for your loved ones when the time comes for you to rejoice. W & O Board member Matt Gardner is in charge of updating addresses and beneficiaries. He can be reached via e-mail at or at Co. K / Solos. Update now…

…Toy Drives:
The Department’s Operation Dream will conduct two toy and fundraising drives this year. The first will be on Friday December 3 at Pier 3 between 0900-1300 hours the second will take place during the Dec 12 49er’s game at Candlestick Park 0900-1700 hours. Volunteers are needed for both events. Leave a message for Commander Kitt Crenshaw, Operations, at 553-1527 to volunteer…

Recently my family was victimized by a thief and part of the follow-up was having locks re-keyed on short notice. We were very pleased that the recommended locksmith who responded was efficient, on-time and reasonable. We were further comforted when we learned that he was part of the extended police family being the son of retired Sgt Cheech Williams. We highly recommend that Mike’s Locksmith and General Services be listed in your emergency response list. The company is owned by Mike Williams a Pacifica resident and based in San Francisco at 824 Cayuga Avenue phone 415-333-2233…

…Walk in their shoes:

Recently a call for mutual aid went out to assist officers in the Mission District. In the day’s following the incident there were criticism made about the decision to request mutual aid. Mission Station’s Captain Greg Corrales comments that the criticisms are coming from the non-combatants. You can debate with 20/20 hind sight; preparation and pre-planning effectiveness in a cozy office; but when you are in the heat of battle calling for help is the right call to make to insure we win, with the least amount of casualties, the battle of that time and place…

…Health Care:

Understanding the National Health Care System is a daunting task. But in order to get some comprehension of the magnitude of the subject visit the Kaiser Family Foundation website at and view the 9 minuet video that introduces you to federal health care…

…Happy Holidays:

Happy Holidays to All…