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Gary P Delagnes SFPOA President

John Tennant Moves On

Published Date: 
May 1, 2012

When I took over as president of the POA in March of 2004, I needed to fill several vital positions. Three were on the executive board, and one was replacing our departing "in house" counsel.  The crucial role of selecting a trusted legal advisor is not as easy as one might think. It’s true that there are a lot of lawyers in the world. But good, experienced, and politically savvy attorneys are hard to come by, and those few who fill that bill are expensive. That said, if the right attorney is selected, and the fit is good, then he or she is well worth the money.

Journal Edition: 

Passing the Baton; the Most Critical Part of the Race

Published Date: 
April 1, 2012

During the last POA general election, I was dismayed by a numerical realization. In the initial round of voting, when running against two other candidates, there were more members whose votes indicated that I should be ejected from office than those whose votes indicated that I should remain in their service. After so many years working on behalf of the members, that was not easy to stomach, and it was also more than a little disappointing.

Journal Edition: 

Not Just Drumbeating; Personnel Crisis is Real

Published Date: 
March 1, 2012

For quite some time, I have been warning the Mayor’s office, the Board of Supervisors, and the Police Commission of the impending personnel shortage that will detrimentally impact the SFPD rank-and-file if the city does not very soon recommit to full staffing. While we are all very aware of the economic meltdown and appreciate fiscal challenges that are ham-stringing most cities and states, one need look no further than to our neighbor across the Bay Bridge to see the effects that understaffing has had on the beleaguered Oakland Police Department.

Journal Edition: 

2011 Wasn’t so bad; 2012 Could be a Challenge

Published Date: 
January 1, 2012

2011 was an eventful year to say the least. Our objectives at the beginning of the year were to extend our contract and to pass legislation that would address the "pension issues" that have become a nationwide focus. We also wanted to avoid lay-offs and to play a part in the appointment of a new Chief of Police who have the respect and confidence of the members.

We were 4 for 4. It wasn’t a bad year.

Journal Edition: 

They Have Our Unqualified Support

Published Date: 
December 1, 2011

It would be easy to sit back and gloat over our trouncing of Jeff Adachi in the November election, and let him be to scurry about in the shadows cast on his mediocrity by more prominent and successful politicians.  It would be easy to treat him with the snubbing that he deserves; that of another defeated antagonist who, in desperation, attempted to use the good name and reputation of dedicated San Francisco police officers to further his own personal career and the cop-bashing agenda of the far left.  But, I can’t let go of this rat’s tail just yet.

Journal Edition: 

Let Me Say That Another Way…

Published Date: 
November 1, 2011

At the October 19th POA Board of Directors meeting, I used some regrettable language when referring to the respective presidents of the Officers For Justice, Julian Hill, and the Asian Police Officers Association, Paul Yep. I got worked up to the point that my passion got the better of my judgment, and that is something I regret. It’s no secret that, at times, I let my passion get the better of my message.

Journal Edition: 

Key Political Endorsements Decided by Board of Directors

Published Date: 
September 1, 2011

At a specially scheduled Emergency Board Meeting on Wednesday, August 24, 2011, the POA Board of Directors ratified the Election Committee recommendations for the upcoming November elections. The endorsements will be as follows:


  • Mayor Edwin Lee
  • City Attorney Dennis Herrera
  • Former Supervisor Michaela Alioto-Pier
  • Former Supervisor Bevan Dufty

District Attorney:

Journal Edition: 

Just Who We Needed

Published Date: 
June 1, 2011

I first met Greg Suhr in 1981 while we were both working midnights in the Central District. I walked the 41 beat in the Tenderloin, while Suhr and his partner, Dan Toomey, worked the One Car in the same area. It was apparent from the beginning that young Officer Suhr had a tremendous career ahead of him. He did his job, didn't complain, and went about his business. He was tough, smart, and always had a great sense of humor. He "got it" early.

Journal Edition: 


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