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November Election Will Impact SFPD - Members Need to Get Involved

October 1, 2011
Gary P Delagnes SFPOA President

While the November election features several key races including Mayor and District Attorney, the members of the SFPOA have two issues about which they should be very concerned.

As most of you have followed over the past year Public Defender Jeff Adachi has been on a crusade to take more and more money out of your pocket in his “retirement contribution” reform that was crafted by his billionaire cronies. If his proposal is successful, it could drastically affect your ability to stay in your home, raise a family, or maintain any decent lifestyle in one of the most expensive regions in the country. The reality is that Mr. Adachi has two motives; sell himself to the voters of San Francisco as a “pension reformer”, and an almost maniacal hatred for police officers. He has written the legislation in such a way that it will subject SF public safety workers to the most draconian parts of the ballot measure. We must defeat Proposition “D” and we must pass Proposition “C.” Failing to do so could have a catastrophic effect on your pay check in the coming years as Proposition “D” could cost you as much as an additional 10% of your base pay. We will be asking you to get involved in the campaign by carrying mailers and door hangers around the city and if you care at all about your paycheck and your quality of life it would behoove you to get involved and help ensure defeat of Proposition “D.” Jeff Adachi is counting on you NOT being involved. His only chance for victory is your apathy and non-participation.

Secondly, Chris Cunnie, a former president of our association and a 28-year member of this department, has courageously entered the race for Sheriff despite a personal tragedy that would stop a lesser person from pursuing any public venture.

As most of you know Chris lost a son to a tragic accident in 2010 and has been taking care of his family, and himself, for the past year. Chris knew that he was the best candidate and has come back against all odds to pursue the sheriff’s position. As he continues to accumulate more and more endorsements, he is gaining quickly on his competition and will soon surpass them. It is up to our members to help Chris in his efforts and to get out there on the streets supporting his candidacy. I ask you all to make the same commitment to Chris that he has made to us. I assure you that the gains we have made over the last 15 years in the areas of compensation and pension benefits would not have been possible without Chris’ efforts. Take a day or two and give back for all of the things Chris has accomplished for our membership.