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You Did the Right Thing

August 1, 2011
Gary P Delagnes SFPOA President

I want to thank the membership for their overwhelming yes votes to ratify the contract re-opener. You exhibited common sense and good judgment in approving a plan that secures our raises while at the same time assuring we will suffer no layoffs in the foreseeable future.

You have once again stepped up and done the right thing for the future of this association. I assure you that I will not allow any elected official in this city to forget your sacrifices or your willingness to help throughout this fiscal crisis. I am confident we will acknowledge your effort in our next contract negotiations.

We are all very tired of hearing that we need to make concessions in our contract. We have all grown weary of hearing that our pension system is in trouble and that we need to help secure the retirement system. Some of the claims are true. Some pension systems in this state and across the nation may need fundamental changes. There actually are a few systems that can simply not withstand the perpetual strain of some overly generous pensions. Every law enforcement union in the country needs to acknowledge that there is a problem and become part of a solution. The secret for any successful organization is to adhere the old adage, "No when to hold ’em, and know when to fold ‘em."

We have done a remarkable job of knowing when to put our foot on the gas pedal in negotiations, but also to ease up when the road gets bumpy. As a result, we have reached the pinnacle in the area of total compensation. We have surpassed all other jurisdictions and haven taken our rightful place in wages, benefits, and working conditions.

Having said that, let me now vent.

We have seen a nation turn their venom on the very people that are here to protect them, care for them, and teach their children. It has been disgusting to watch the media, politicians, and average Americans be duped into believing that we have somehow created this fiscal mess. We haven’t. Our detractors accuse us of making too much money! They crow that our pensions are too generous! Many people have decided they know what we are worth, and how much we should make. Attorneys charge up to $600 per hour and nobody bats an eye while they just can't fathom a cop making a fraction of that amount. You owe nobody an apology. As a matter of fact, you are the ones owed the apology by those who have vilified our profession in the court of public opinion. Trust fund clowns driving around in their Mercedes and BMW's working for their daddy's company criticize the work you do and how much you are paid. It is a national disgrace that teachers, firefighters, nurses, and cops have become the scapegoat in this economic downturn while Wall Street crooks from coast to coast have pillaged our pension systems and gone about their business with no repercussions. None of us are getting rich in this profession and nobody should apologize for making a fair wage to do this job and raise a family in the highest cost of living region in the country.

I will never forget the sacrifices you have made over the last four years and I assure you I will not let anybody in city government forget as well.  Thank You.