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October 2011

This & That…

Published Date: 
October 1, 2011


I would like to extend my sincerest congratulations to the recently promoted members of our department to the ranks of Lieutenant and Sergeant effective Saturday, October 1, 2011. It is an outstanding achievement not only for our department but also certainly for the members of our association.

Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant: David Johnson, Sean O’Leary, and Treina Wearing.

Journal Edition: 

Depression; Know the Signs

Published Date: 
October 1, 2011

By Ed Anzore
Retired SFPD

My name is Ed Anzore and I am a recently retired sergeant out of Central Station. I retired 5 months ago and am now able to discuss my departure.  Ten years ago, I lost my brother, Charlie, to kidney cancer.  Charlie worked at Richmond Station at the time he was diagnosed with this disease.  To say my brother and I were close is an understatement. I never knew how much his loss affected me until this year.  I could write a whole article just based on our relationship, but that’s for another day.

Journal Edition: 

Retirees and Active Employees: Standing Shoulder to Shoulder

Published Date: 
October 1, 2011

As the attacks on public employee retirement benefits continue in full force, we must be on our guard not to allow the opposition to divide rank-and-file workers from retirees.  This tactic is a variation on the theme of stoking private-sector worker anger against civil servants on account of the latter’s retirement benefits (what some cynically label as “pension envy”) – anger which redoubles when cuts to public services are then threatened as a result of maintaining such benefits. 

Journal Edition: 

Close Encounters

Published Date: 
October 1, 2011

The officer received his notice to appear before the Office of Citizen Complaints (OCC), he initialed it (as required) and faxed it back to the OCC investigator. The officer then appeared at the OCC on the date and time required and cooperated with the interview.

Several days later, the officer was informed by his lieutenant that he was being investigated because the OCC had made a formal complaint with the Police Department that they (I.e. OCC) never received a copy of the fax the officer sent.


Journal Edition: 


Published Date: 
October 1, 2011

By Mike Hebel
POA Welfare Officer


Q.  Mike, I retired almost six years ago from the SFPD and now have just applied for my monthly social security benefit.  While I know that it will be small especially compared to my police pension, it will allow me to provide some financial assistance to help educate my grandchildren.  Can I really count on receiving those monthly checks?

Journal Edition: 

Around The Department

Published Date: 
October 1, 2011

…Chiefs Message:

Editor Ray Shine tells me that he decided to place the column written by Chief Suhr on the same page as Around the Department because it would be seen by the maximum number of readers. Ray says that not only is Around one of the most widely read columns, it is also the longest running in the history of the POA Paper (At least 35 years). Thanks for the compliment, Ray.…


Journal Edition: 
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