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News & Updates

November 13, 2010
SFPOA Remembers Officer John Blessing
The SFPOA Remebers Officer John Blessing killed in the line of duty on November 14, 1989. Read More

November 8, 2010
Man Charged in Russian Hill Slaying
“Thanks to the quick work of San Francisco police officers and prosecutors we can all rest a little easier knowing that this defendant is in custody and awaiting trial,” said San Francisco District Attorney Kamala D. Harris. Read More

November 9, 2010
SF POA Mourns Death of Former Chief Alex Fagan
The men and women of the San Francisco Police Officers Association mourn the sudden collapse and death of former SFPD Chief Alex Fagan, Sr. He died Monday, November 8, 2010 while visiting London, England. He was 60. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and many, many friends. Chief Fagan served in the SFPD for more than 31 years, retiring in 2004. Read More

November 8, 2010
Support our department’s active military reservists
November 11th is Veterans’ Day. Join the men and women of the San Francisco Police Officers Association in honoring America’s military veterans, and those brave and dedicated men and women currently serving at home and abroad. Read More

Monday, November 01, 2010
Police-Fire Post 456 News
By Greg Corrales Read More

November 8, 2010
U.S. Law Enforcement Deaths in 2009
The FBI has tabulated the nation-wide number of Line of Duty deaths of law enforcement officers for the year 2009. They are: 48 officers were killed in the line of duty. (Compared to 41 in 2008) 47 died in accidents. 57,000 were assaulted. Read More

October 18, 2010
Los Angeles Mayor Proposes Pension Changes for New Police, Firefighters
From, October 18 LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa proposed overhauling pensions for new police officers and firefighters, part of a broader effort to contain costs amid growing budget deficits statewide. The plan would save Los Angeles, the second-largest U.S. Read More

Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Close Encounters
You simply have to read the quarterly report submitted to the Police Commission by the Office of Citizen Complaints (OCC). It will have your head spinning by the time you finish - here‘s a sample excerpt taken verbatim from their 3rd Quarter Report: Section III: Investigation of Cases Read More

Monday, November 01, 2010
Guardians of the City
“Ain’t they virtuous? Don’t they take good care of the City? Is not their constant vigilance and efficiency shown in the fact that roughs and rowdies are awed into good conduct?” - Mark Twain describing the 1866 SFPD. Read More

Monday, November 01, 2010
Rendezvous with History
It’s hard to remember a day more important to police labor’s future – and, by extension, to the future of all public employee labor – than the approaching Tuesday of November 2, 2010. For it is on that day that we will know whether the citizens of both San Francisco and San Jose believe that police officers and other public employees are equitably compensated or receive too much. Read More

Monday, November 01, 2010
This & That ...
Where should one really begin with a conversation about police suicide? How does one approach a subject that for far too long has been regarded as “taboo” within the police community? Read More

Monday, November 01, 2010
Police Suicide: It’s Time We Talk About It
There is little point in avoiding the serious conversation surrounding the three recent suicides that have taken place in our police family over the past year. It is a topic rarely discussed publicly by police administrators because no department wants to acknowledge it has a greater problem than any other law enforcement organization. Read More

October 29, 2010
No on B
SF POA Endorses No on B - Watch the video and visit for more information Read More

October 27, 2010
Police Union to close deal on ballpark bar
Remember we told you in May about how The City’s police union is looking to buy a bar and restaurant only a block away from AT&T Park. It looks like the deal is about to go through, and the Police Officers Association must be licking their chops at the thousands of thirsty Giants fans throwing down cash at Paragon Restaurant and Bar. Read More

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Widows' and Orphans' Aid Association
The regular meeting of the Widows' and Orphans' Aid Association of the San Francisco Police Department was called to order by President Joe Garrity at 2PM in the Conference Room of Ingleside Station. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by President Joe Garrity. Read More

Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Close Encounters
You will soon have the opportunity to participate in a survey we are working on right now that will give us a better understanding about how you feel about the job the Office of Citizen Complaints (OCC) is supposed to be doing. We think we have a pretty good idea about your feelings for the 'new and improved' citizen oversight division but we still want to capture your thoughts. Read More

Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Attack of the Killer Initiatives
Like some horror movie where monster after monster keeps on coming despite the hero's best efforts to slay them, we now see at the close of a summer filled with deep and painful concessions for most public employee unions - indeed, what many had hoped would signal the end of "takeaways," at least for the moment - the approach of fall with a November ballot filled with numerous voter initiatives Read More

Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Ask Mike…The Retirees' Corner
THE SUSTAINABLE CITY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS REFORM ACT Q. Mike, did the Adachi Petition gather enough signatures to be placed on the November 2010 ballot? Read More

Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Jeff Barker Scholarship Awards
The annual Jeff Scholarship Awards were presented in late August to dependents of active, retired, and deceased members. The recipients of these awards were judged by the POA Scholarship Committee on their academics, extracurricular activities, community service, and a five hundred word essay. Read More