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June 2012

Chief's Corner

Published Date: 
June 1, 2012

May is always an exciting month because it is the last month of the school year or, looking at it another way, the month before summer. This May was “something” in San Francisco and for the SFPD.

Journal Edition: 

Close Encounters

Published Date: 
June 1, 2012

It’s been pretty much a common theme throughout Chief Greg Suhr’s column in The Journal that conducting yourself as a professional in all of your contacts with the public definitely makes a difference. And it did for the manager of a local business, so much so that he wrote a letter to the Chief of Police commending Officer Kathryn Bartel for the manner in which she handled a difficult situation stating, “It has been refreshing to have the San Francisco police respond to a situation firmly, promptly, with courtesy and understanding.”

Journal Edition: 

This & That…

Published Date: 
June 1, 2012

Hey folks, can you believe summer is already here? Is time flying by or what? Soon, the youngsters will be out of school and we’ll be on our ways hither and yon to vacations. I hope everyone has a really great summer and that great times are had by all. Please remember…Safety First! Please be safe and monitor the young ones, and please take all necessary precautions to insure the safety for all involved with your activities.

In one foul swoop…

Journal Edition: 

Trip to Harvard Shows We Are on Right Path

Published Date: 
June 1, 2012

Treasurer Marty Halloran and I recently traveled back to the Boston/Cambridge area where we had been invited to participate in another round of meetings and seminars with the fifty largest law enforcement unions in the US and Canada. The annual conference is held at the venerable Harvard Law School, and the topics are specific to the state of, and future of, salaries, working conditions, and technology that effect police work in this country.

Journal Edition: 
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