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Around The Department

June 1, 2012
Around The Department

By Al Casciato

…Academy Classes and the Budget:

The Mayor’s budget contains 3 academy classes for the upcoming fiscal year ’12-’13 which starts on July 1. Also built in to that budget is the remaining funding of a proposed academy class that will start in late June, before the end of the ’11-’12 fiscal utilizing funds from the current budget. --- The budget process is incredibly tedious and laborious as well as extremely political. --- I have high hopes that the “Body Politic” at City Hall recognizes the need for these academy classes, and more, as our department under go’s a significant personnel turnover. A big Thank You is in order for Captain John Goldberg, Administration, who has guided the department’s budget efforts in his final year of service…


Matt and Tristan Parra, Southern Station, proudly announces the birth of their first child: Owen Richard Parra 8lbs 10 oz 20 inches, born April 15 0452 hours at Kaiser San Francisco. Grandfather Henry Parra retired is absolutely thrilled (under statement) with the arrival. Congratulations to the entire Parra family we wish you all the very best…

…Next to the last:

This column is the next to the last Around the Department column that I will write for the Journal. Next month editor Ray Shine will run the first official Around the Department which debut in December 1976 and the last column which I am currently drafting…

…Looking for a columnist:

The Journal is looking for a columnist to fill the void that left by the end of Around the Department. If you are interested in starting a new column with a new title give editor Ray Shine a call at 415-861-5060. Remember a column is generally limited to 400 words and 5 or 6 tidbits. If the Journal needs filler then the editor will bump you up to 800 words and 10 tidbits. Try it; may be fun…

…Retirement Dinners:

Thursday June 21 there will be a retirement dinner for Lt. Mike Stasko, Mission Station at the City Forest Lodge at 245 Laguna Honda, Contact Mary Stasko 415-307-7760 for tickets.***On Friday July 6th there will be a retirement dinner for Lt. Bill Canning, Northern Station. The dinner will be at the Cliff House. For tickets or additional information contact Janice Lum or Kim Kulstad, Northern Station 1-925-705-3486 between 1400 and 1800 hours…

…Why? Why? Why?

Don’t know how many times I’ve been asked the question. Why is your retirement event a fundraiser for The Guardian of the City Museum? The answer: For many years the public safety history of San Francisco has walked out the various department doors into private collections and to commercial interests trading in historical artifacts. In 2009 a group of individuals (sworn and civilian) led by retired fire Captain Jim Lee and SFPD Inspector Liane Corrales approached me to assist in forming an organization that would on the behalf of the City protect, categorize and share with the public the history and safety efforts of those who guard City. What captured my attention was the fact that this was not an exclusive organization but rather an all inclusive concept that includes all City Employees and Citizen Volunteers (NERT) who train and prepare for what ever disaster challenge hits our City and region. *** So therefore I thought that the best thing I could do for all of us was to dedicate my retirement event to all of you who stand prepared to defend and protect. *** I really want to thank Fire Chief Joanna Hayes-White for giving the organization a home at 1152 Oak Street, Supervisor Mark Farrell for carrying the legislation that allows the Guardians of the City Museum to care for our history on behalf of the City. Please visit to learn more about the organization and to get involved…