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February 2017

February 2017 - Calendar of Events

Published Date: 
February 1, 2017

Mark your calendars for the following meetings and events by the POA and its friends and supporters. All dates and times are subject to last minute changes, so always contact the event coordinator to confirm dates and times. If you have an event you would like posted on our calendar, contact the editor at Download the calendar.

Journal Edition: 

POA Mourns Sudden Death of Officer Stuart Molver

Published Date: 
February 1, 2017

The POA and SFPD family was greatly saddened upon the news that on-duty SFPD Officer Stuart Molver died suddenly while on the job at San Francisco International Airport.  He was just 53.

Officer Molver joined the SFPD in 1993 following an honorable 14-year career in the United States Army. As a combat helicopter flight medic, he participated in the first Gulf War. He was also distinguished in the SFPD, and was a recipient of the department’s Gold Medal of Valor and Lifesaving Award for his actions in the Asiana Airline crash.

Journal Edition: 

2017: There is Much Work to Do, and We Shall Be Heard

Published Date: 
February 1, 2017

Now that the election is over it is time to roll up our sleeves and get back to the business at hand. 2017 will present some difficult challenges for the POA, and we will not back down when it comes to our rights, our safety, and the safety of the community that we serve. 

As in past years, the POA will likely face many obstacles -- both those looming and foreseeable, and those yet unknown.  We will deal with them as they develop, with deliberation and strategy. Issues that we do see on the horizon in 2017 are:

Flawed Use of Force Policy.

Journal Edition: 
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