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June 2016

Northern Station Leads USO Showers Campaign

Published Date: 
June 1, 2016

Thank you to everyone who is supporting the SFO USO shower program.

As far as the station donations go, Co. E is currently in the lead with an incredible $4,210 in donations! Next up is Co. F

The director of the SFO USO, Jim Pollock, wanted me to thank our members on his behalf.  Jim is overwhelmed with the show of support our department is giving this program.

Anyone else wishing to donate can email me at the email listed below for details.

Thanks again!

Sgt. Sean O'Brien #119


Journal Edition: 

Calling San Francisco's Silent Majority; Isn’t It Time to Send Some Inept Politicians Packing?

Published Date: 
June 1, 2016

The actions taken by our elected officials following the tragic events of May 19, 2016 were a panderer’s delight; sacrificing a dedicated Chief of Police to appease a knot of noisy troublemakers.

Journal Edition: 
Subscribe to RSS - June 2016