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October 2015

Dealing with Stress; Don’t go it Alone

Published Date: 
October 1, 2015

Department BSU can help

Over the past year, policing in the United States has drastically changed, and in many ways it is not for the better. From the physical attacks to the increased ambushing and outright murder of police officers, coupled with the daily pressures that have been associated with this profession for decades, law enforcement personnel can be pushed to the emotional and physical edge. Constantly working understaffed with increased duties and responsibilities, most officers are forced into the “let’s do more with less” syndrome. 

Journal Edition: 

October 2015 - Calendar of Events

Published Date: 
October 1, 2015

Mark your calendars for the following meetings and events by the POA and its friends and supporters. All dates and times are subject to last minute changes, so always contact the event coordinator to confirm dates and times. If you have an event you would like posted on our calendar, contact the editor at Download the calendar.

Journal Edition: 
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