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Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Grievance and Arbitration Primer
One of the most important tasks any union may undertake is filing a grievance on behalf of a member.  And if the union is fortunate enough to possess a clause in its labor contract guaranteeing binding arbitration as the final step of the grievance process, that task becomes all the more critical insofar as an arbitration decision will determine what for all intents and purposes is to become th Read More

January 8, 2012
New Year Starts with Crucial Retirement Board Election
By Gary Delagnes, PresidentSan Francisco Police Officers Association The most important Retirement Board election in years is our first major political effort of 2012.  The Board of Directors of the San Francisco Police Officers Association has endorsed Deborah Landis for the crucial position of Retirement Board Trustee. Read More

Sunday, January 01, 2012
Close Encounters
The National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Fund reported that as of November 28, 2011, 157 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty. (57 firearm-related , 58 traffic-related , and 42 by other means.) 16 more officers than we lost in 2010 . . .  Read More

Sunday, January 01, 2012
One Victory; On to Another Challenge
The timing was nothing if not ironic:  a broad coalition championed by labor achieves victory in lowering pension costs with the voters’ overwhelming passage of Proposition C and summary defeat of Public Defender Jeff Adachi’s draconian countermeasure, Proposition D, only to witness Governor Jerry Brown’s announcement that same week to advance his own, statewide pension reform measure which app Read More

Sunday, January 01, 2012
Police-Fire Post 456 News
“’Safety first’ is the road to ruin in war.” - Sir Winston Churchill, November 3, 1940   Read More

Sunday, January 01, 2012
This & That…
I hope and trust that all our readers had a safe and happy holidays and the process of settling into the New Year will not be daunting. Blue Santas… Read More

Sunday, January 01, 2012
2011 Wasn’t so bad; 2012 Could be a Challenge
2011 was an eventful year to say the least. Our objectives at the beginning of the year were to extend our contract and to pass legislation that would address the "pension issues" that have become a nationwide focus. We also wanted to avoid lay-offs and to play a part in the appointment of a new Chief of Police who have the respect and confidence of the members. Read More

January 6, 2012
Lieutenant Mike Flynn - Retirement Celebration for
When: January 6th, 2012Where: MoMo's760 2nd Street, SF, CACocktails: No Host 6PM-7PMDinner: 7PMCost: $60.00 per person Read More

Thursday, December 01, 2011
This & That…
It was a true Family [House] Thanksgiving… I hope every one of you had a great Thanksgiving Holiday and took advantage of every opportunity to spend time with friends and loved ones. Read More

Thursday, December 01, 2011
Police-Fire Post 456 News
Ho-ka hey! It is a good day to fight! It is a good day to die! Strong hearts, brave hearts to the front! Weak hearts and cowards to the rear!                                                                                             - Crazy Horse, Oglala Sioux chief    Read More

Thursday, December 01, 2011
Stock Market Total Returns
Q.  Mike, I am a Tier I retiree and I have left my monies in my deferred compensation plan.  That is, I have yet to begin to receive distributions.  My wife would like to begin to use this money and I think it is probably time to do so.  I plan to withdraw about 4% to 5% per year for the next several years.  I have 50% of my money in stable value and 50% in stock portfolios.  W Read More

Thursday, December 01, 2011
They Have Our Unqualified Support
It would be easy to sit back and gloat over our trouncing of Jeff Adachi in the November election, and let him be to scurry about in the shadows cast on his mediocrity by more prominent and successful politicians.  It would be easy to treat him with the snubbing that he deserves; that of another defeated antagonist who, in desperation, attempted to use the good name and reputation of dedicated Read More

November 30, 2011
Condolences For Slain Vallejo Officer
The men and women of the San Francisco Police Officers Association extend sympathy and condolences to the family and friends of murdered Vallejo Police Officer James Capoot. Officer Capoot died from gunshot wounds received while in foot pursuit of a robbery suspect. He was 45. Read More

Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Appellate Court Rules that Officer May Waive POBRA Rights
One of the more nettlesome questions in jurisprudence concerns the extent to which legal rights can be waived.  And even if this question is answered in the affirmative with regard to a particular law, a second question instantly arises:  waived by whom?  While it has long been known that a police union does not have the power to waive individual officers’ rights under California’s Public Safet Read More

Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Close Encounters
By Steve Johnson Read More

Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Police-Fire Post 456 News
“It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. Read More

Tuesday, November 01, 2011
This & That…
First Fijian police Officer Retires… Officer Mukesh "Mike" Chandra, known by his friend and peers as Fiji Mike and Mike the Cop is presumably the first Fiji born Police Officer in the United States, he retires from the San Francisco Police Department after 32 years of honorable service. Read More

Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Let Me Say That Another Way…
At the October 19th POA Board of Directors meeting, I used some regrettable language when referring to the respective presidents of the Officers For Justice, Julian Hill, and the Asian Police Officers Association, Paul Yep. I got worked up to the point that my passion got the better of my judgment, and that is something I regret. Read More

December 7, 2011
“Cops for Christ” Winter LUNCHEON
The San Francisco Chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers is Hosting a Winter Luncheon All are welcome! WHEN:      Wednesday, December 7, 2011 12:00-1:00 p.m.WHERE:        POA Board Room, 801 Bryant Street, 2nd Floor GUEST SPEAKER Read More

October 1, 2011
Elect One of Our Own: Chris Cunnie for SF Sheriff
As police officers, we know that safety in these difficult times requires the intuition of a seasoned officer, the management experience of a chief and the principles of a reformer in the treatment community. Read More