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News & Updates

Tuesday, May 01, 2012
John Tennant Moves On
When I took over as president of the POA in March of 2004, I needed to fill several vital positions. Three were on the executive board, and one was replacing our departing "in house" counsel.  The crucial role of selecting a trusted legal advisor is not as easy as one might think. It’s true that there are a lot of lawyers in the world. Read More

May 24, 2012
Come Celebrate Judy Saunders Retirement!
Paragon Restaurant 701-2nd Street6:00 P.M. cocktails ($2.00 beers $ 4.00 cocktails)followed by a buffet dinner$25.00 per person payable to SFPOA Contact:Marty Halloran @ 415-861-5060 #14 or marty@sfpoa.orgGary Delagnes @ 415-861-5060 #11 or Read More

Sunday, April 01, 2012
Close Encounters
There were 7 guns taken off the street from the few episodes cited in this column this month. There were a lot more recovered but we just didn’t have time to report all of them. Many of the guns recovered were done so by one-officer units. With the anticipation of losing over 300 officers within the next 2 years, officer-safety will become paramount. Read More

Sunday, April 01, 2012
SF Law Enforcement Officers to ride in the Police Unity Tour
Several law enforcement officers within San Francisco are participating in the 2012 Police Unity Tour. The PUT is a four day, 300 mile bicycle ride from northern New Jersey to the National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial in Washington, DC. The PUT’s primary goal is to raise awareness regarding officers killed in the line of duty and to raise funds for the Memorial. Read More

Sunday, April 01, 2012
Pursuit and Arrest
    Read More

Sunday, April 01, 2012
Passing the Baton; the Most Critical Part of the Race
During the last POA general election, I was dismayed by a numerical realization. In the initial round of voting, when running against two other candidates, there were more members whose votes indicated that I should be ejected from office than those whose votes indicated that I should remain in their service. Read More

Sunday, April 01, 2012
Police-Fire Post 456 News
“America has a debt crisis, but no debt is higher than what America owes its veterans, who already sacrificed years of service, lost family time, physical injury and the comforts of home so that the other 90 percent of Americans can continue to live in freedom. Throughout our nation’s history, every time we cut defense we paid for it with American blood.” Read More

Sunday, April 01, 2012
Chief's Corner
I get stopped on the street during my daily travels around this great City of ours, by folks who can’t wait to tell me stories about the job the SFPD is doing or how “cool” this officer was, or that officer was, and I enjoy each story more than the one before. Read More

Sunday, April 01, 2012
The Class of 1946-1964: Baby Boomers Re-Evaluate Their Retirement Portfolios and Lifestyle Options Post the Great Recession of 2007
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest. Thoreau   Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. Benjamin Franklin – Poor Richard Almanac   Read More

Sunday, April 01, 2012
A Silence of Mockingbirds: The Memoir of a Murder
As April is National Child Abuse Prevention month, this book is extremely timely. It is also a very personal and emotional declaration of the need for all Americans, everywhere, to learn more about what should be done for children who exhibit suspicious physical injuries. Read More

Sunday, April 01, 2012
KILLING THE MESSENGER: A Story of Radical Faith, Racism's Backlash, and the Assassination of a Journalist
In 1997 Lou Cannon, a journalist, non-fiction author, and biographer (he has authored five different works about President Reagan), wrote a book regarding the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles. The title was Official Negligence, and Mr. Read More

Sunday, April 01, 2012
Honoring our Outstanding DEC Dispatchers
To say that our Department of Emergency Management/Department of Emergency Communications personnel do an outstanding job day in and day out without fanfare would be a gross understatement. I have often proudly referred to the men and women serving our department in this capacity as our “Lifeline.” Read More

Sunday, April 01, 2012
A Few Thoughts about the use of Medications for Law Enforcement Officers.
Joel Fay, Psy.D ABPPPsychologist and Retired Police OfficerForwarded to The Journal by Mary Dunnigan, BSU Read More

April 6, 2012
Play in the PAL Golf Tournament
Join Chief Greg Suhr in honoring Mayor Ed Lee at the annual PAL Golf Tournament. When: Thursday, May 24, 2012 Noon shotgun start Where: TPC Harding Park Cost:  $200 per player Read More

Sunday, April 01, 2012
Crime Data Warehouse Report Writing Goes Live!
Technology CornerBy Susan GiffinChief Information Officer Officer Ana Lee of Ingleside Station enters first incident into new Crime Data Warehouse – January 17, 2012.  It was a “Found Property” report. Read More

Thursday, March 01, 2012
This & That…
Against the odds; another UCSF success story. . . Read More

Thursday, March 01, 2012
Police-Fire Post 456 News
“I walk slowly, but I never walk backward.” Abraham Lincoln   Read More

Thursday, March 01, 2012
Not Just Drumbeating; Personnel Crisis is Real
For quite some time, I have been warning the Mayor’s office, the Board of Supervisors, and the Police Commission of the impending personnel shortage that will detrimentally impact the SFPD rank-and-file if the city does not very soon recommit to full staffing. Read More

Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Police-Fire Post 456 News
“We had to remind them that you don’t mess with American Marines”     - Gunnery Sgt. Brian Blonder, who led his Marines in a fierce battle in Afghanistan in 2008, earning him a Navy Cross.   Read More

Wednesday, February 01, 2012
This & That…
Occupy this… I want to start by thanking the rank-and-file men and women of this department for their outstanding response to the “Occupy” demonstrations that impacted our city on Friday, January 13, 2012. It was an all-day ordeal, lasting from the very early morning until the late hours of the night. Read More