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Wednesday, March 01, 2023
Carry On!
Brothers and sisters, Read More

Wednesday, March 01, 2023
This and That
This month’s lead article is written by Sean Perdomo, who served the POA in many capacities from starting as a defense representative to being our treasurer. I am honored for him to write this month’s President’s column. Read More

Wednesday, February 01, 2023
Close Encounters February 2023
Leave it to Sergeant Jarrod Yee to start off the New Year with a statistic or two in regards to outstanding work the officers at Bayview accomplish every day. Read More

Wednesday, February 01, 2023
Second Time Around, Same…
As I briefly wrote last month, the SFPOA and the city are involved in contract negotiations. Much like the last time we went into a negotiation for our contract in 2018, the road to getting something fair and equitable is just as hard if not harder than 2018 when the POA got an arbitration ruling. In 2018 we were battling several things. Read More

Sunday, January 01, 2023
Close Encounters January 2023
It’s customary to end each Close Encounter article with a careful reminder to “stay safe.” or, even a more sensible “Let’s be careful out there.” an admonishment borrowed from the famous Michael Conrad from the “Hill Street Blues”police-television series a “few” years ago. Read More

Sunday, January 01, 2023
Hello, 2023...
Killer robots, contracts, traffic stops, ah the list is endless when it comes to what 2023 has to offer us. For union business, there is never a shortage of “things” on our plate. From the continual meet and confer circuit, to an election for POA board positions, and even recovering from all those holiday parties! There is never any shortage of work to be done. Read More

Thursday, December 01, 2022
Dispatcher of the "Year"
When San Francisco resident Paul Pelosi, the husband of congressional House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was viciously attacked by a hammer-wielding assailant on October 28, 2022, his 9-1-1 call was answered by SF dispatcher Heather Grimes. Read More

Thursday, December 01, 2022
Close Encounters December 2022
What would you possibly have to do to have a $1 million dollar felony warrant issued for your arrest? Well, in this case the warrant was issued for 2 individuals, 1 male, 1 female, who beat a person within an inch of his life. Read More

Thursday, December 01, 2022
2022 Recap: The Highs and Lows
This year-end article is somewhat daunting for me. It feels like 2022 went by with lightning speed. As I try to remember all the things that happened during the past year, I don’t want to miss any details. It has been a very eventful year in San Francisco. Read More

Tuesday, November 01, 2022
San Franciscans have a choice to make when they turn in their ballots for this election. Do they want to start on the road to recovery, no pun intended, or do they want to see the city keep circling the drain with no end to what is plaguing it. Read More

Tuesday, November 01, 2022
The Chaotic Streets of San Francisco
We have all seen the viral videos and news reports, both local and national, heck even international, about the state of the streets in San Francisco. The streets downtown are in chaos. Read More

Tuesday, November 01, 2022
Close Encounters November 2022
It’s sunset in the Mission District and Officer Gustavo Lopez and his partner, Officer Diego Rodriquez-Ortiz were patrolling the Dolores Park neighborhood when they were approached by a woman who was screaming hysterically in Spanish about someone who had a gun. Read More

Saturday, October 01, 2022
Close Encounters October 2022
Going, going, . . . Gone!! The San Francisco Police Department could, quite possibly, face a day of reckoning as far as personnel shortages are concerned. It’s common knowledge that the Department should be staffed with more than 2100 officers, but they have been slowly dropping from 2100 to 1723. Read More

Saturday, October 01, 2022
It’s always a good time to go to the dump…
The pandemic has made a mockery of any sense of what a “normal” routine is. During this time people are trying to find all sorts of ways to handle stress. Some meditate, some workout, some play music, others cook. I find going to the dump to be a great way to relieve stress and to handle the negativity that has been thrown towards our chosen profession. Read More

Thursday, September 01, 2022
Close Encounters September 2022
“To Protect and Serve” was the motto so proudly displayed on the vehicles the police officers in San Francisco used to drive. But it’s no longer relevant ever since the motto became more of a question rather than a goal. And that question, “To protect and serve who?” still lingers. Read More

Thursday, September 01, 2022
The Double Standard
I must say when you are criticized for something some folks want you to do - but then don’t want you to do because of what will result when you do your job — is annoying as hell. Recently an article came out blasting the statistics of our citation writing prowess. As you can imagine and probably even read, we have on average given out just ten traffic citations a day. Read More

Monday, August 01, 2022
Close Encounters August 2022
It seems there’s an abundance of weapons out there available for the novice criminals to obtain. It doesn’t make the job as a police officer any easier not knowing what an armed felon might do once they have one. And that’s why it’s important to honor the officers out there 24/7 who are putting their lives on the line in this column. Read More

Monday, August 01, 2022
The Will To Reform
Back on November 30, 2020, the SFPD and SFPOA signed a joint agreement titled The Police Reform Collaboration Agreement #1. As this agreement was titled #1 we thought that there would follow more discussion and agreements for reform. Read More

Friday, July 01, 2022
Close Encounters July 2022
People wonder why it’s so hard to hire police officers. There’s a number of reasons but it pretty much boils down to the candidate being able to making a commitment to the profession and all it demands. And the commitment to excellence is no better outlined than in the following incidents presented. Read More