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November 2012

This & That…

Published Date: 
November 1, 2012

The Great American President and patriot Theodore Roosevelt, in an address in Sorbonne, France in 1910, delivered the following passage that resonates so strongly the feelings I have toward my brothers and sisters of the San Francisco Police Department, of which I have an unparalleled love and affection for…

“The Man in the Arena”

Journal Edition: 

Police-Fire Post 456 News

Published Date: 
November 1, 2012

“The American Legion is impressed with Congress today. Those who deliberately lie about military service, wear medals they did not earn or make claims of combat heroism they did not achieve are more than just liars. They are perpetrators of the worst kind of fraud. Their lies are an insult to all who truly stood in harm’s way and earned decorations. We raised this issue at our national convention, and the House acted.”

Journal Edition: 

Kevin Martin is Moving On? Say it Ain’t So…

Published Date: 
November 1, 2012

It is rare when words escape me, when everything you want to say seems inadequate and falls short of the mark. But, that is the very predicament in which I find myself now as I attempt to bid farewell to POA vice president Kevin Martin. 

As most of you know by now, Kevin will be retiring effective November 1st.

As I think about what he has meant to me personally, and more importantly to the membership as a whole, it is impossible to express the respect, admiration, and love I feel for this man who I will always consider my brother.

Journal Edition: 
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