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January 2013

Counsel's Corner - May 2012

Published Date: 
January 1, 2013

Auld Lang Syne

At this time of year, the words of the old Scots poem, written by Robert Burns in the late 18th Century, and sung aplenty at New Years events worldwide—or Hogmanay as it is known in the Old Country—often come to mind.  They speak to the greeting and toasting of long-standing friendships and acquaintances.  So here’s a raised glass to all the friends and acquaintances of this column.  “Lang may yer lum reek.”


Journal Edition: 

Close Encounters - The Finale

Published Date: 
January 1, 2013

A few weeks ago, I accompanied a young officer to an interview at the Office of Citizen Complaints. During our preparation, the officer noted that he couldn’t believe the complainant could have even remembered what happened since he was so old. I made the mistake of asking about how old, and the number was a little south of the age I will be pushing next month.

It was that realization, as well as a few other things that have happened over the past few weeks, that caused me to make the decision to leave the San Francisco Police Officers’ Association.

Journal Edition: 

It’s 2013 – Your Time, and Your Turn, is Now

Published Date: 
January 1, 2013

2012 saw the retirements of key individuals from the POA. I also will retire this year. The importance for younger members to become involved in this organization cannot be over emphasized. The challenges facing this organization in the next three years are significant. The need for qualified, experienced leadership will never be more critical.

Journal Edition: 
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