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January 2012

Close Encounters

Published Date: 
January 1, 2012

The National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Fund reported that as of November 28, 2011, 157 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty. (57 firearm-related , 58 traffic-related , and 42 by other means.)

16 more officers than we lost in 2010 . . . 

It’s the middle of the day when Officer Tommie Bartley and Officer Erik Maher make a traffic stop on a car violating several sections of the California Vehicle Code in the Bayview District. One thing led to another and the driver was eventually asked to step from his car – he did so rather

Journal Edition: 

One Victory; On to Another Challenge

Published Date: 
January 1, 2012

The timing was nothing if not ironic:  a broad coalition championed by labor achieves victory in lowering pension costs with the voters’ overwhelming passage of Proposition C and summary defeat of Public Defender Jeff Adachi’s draconian countermeasure, Proposition D, only to witness Governor Jerry Brown’s announcement that same week to advance his own, statewide pension reform measure which appears to work as much harm to current employees’ salaries as Adachi’s failed attempt would have done.  Savoring the moment of the San Francisco public’s trouncing of Adachi proved to be an elusive plea

Journal Edition: 

2011 Wasn’t so bad; 2012 Could be a Challenge

Published Date: 
January 1, 2012

2011 was an eventful year to say the least. Our objectives at the beginning of the year were to extend our contract and to pass legislation that would address the "pension issues" that have become a nationwide focus. We also wanted to avoid lay-offs and to play a part in the appointment of a new Chief of Police who have the respect and confidence of the members.

We were 4 for 4. It wasn’t a bad year.

Journal Edition: 
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