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November 2013


Published Date: 
November 1, 2013

The San Francisco Police Officers Association congratulates the following member on his recent service retirement from the SFPD.  This veteran will be difficult to replace, as he takes with him decades of experience and job knowledge. The most recently retired SFPD member is:

  • Sergeant Carl Tennenbaum #916 from Property Section

All of the above listed on SFPD Personnel Order #21 (September 25, 2013)  and #22 (October 9, 2013),

Journal Edition: 

KMA 438

Published Date: 
November 1, 2013

Welcome back brothers and sisters to another chapter of KMA 438.

I thank all of you who donated to Inspector Joe Carroll’s sick-time bank.  On behalf of the entire Carroll family, his friends, and yours truly, thank you for your generosity.  An incredible amount of stress was lifted from the Carroll family knowing his brothers and sisters are taking care of him.

I know I’m early, however, I want to wish all my brothers and sisters in the SFPD, Dispatch and the SFFD a happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Journal Edition: 

In Memoriam

Published Date: 
November 1, 2013

The following San Francisco Police Officers were killed or died in the line of duty in the month of November of …

1937: Officer Cornelius Brosnan, involved in an automobile collision.

1930: Officer Charles Rogerson, struck by a vehicle while directing traffic.

1928: Officer Frederick N. Spooner, involved in a traffic collision.

1923: Officer Joseph G. Conroy, struck by a vehicle while directing traffic.

1919: Detective Sergeant Antone Schoembs, shot by fleeing felon.

Journal Edition: 

Chief's Corner

Published Date: 
November 1, 2013

I often write of how lucky we are to be in a position to help people and how the men and women of this proud Department do just that every day. I get letters and emails all the time praising the good work of the cops on the streets and those behind the scenes that demonstrate the phrase that I often close my column with: “SF’s Finest.” This month, I thought I’d let someone else tell the story of just how good we can be.

Journal Edition: 

Give Thanks...To a Veteran; Cherish our Liberty

Published Date: 
November 1, 2013

Once we get Halloween behind us, we are entering into the true holiday season of the year.  Most people look forward to and relish the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. Thanksgiving not only affords the longest stretch of legal holidays in conjunction with regular days off during the year, but it allows families to come together from near and far to reconnect and bond. More so than the single day off for Christmas, the Thanksgiving holiday weekend will see more grandparents, parents, children, nieces and nephews, cousins and close friends reconnecting after long absences.

Journal Edition: 
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