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They Have Our Unqualified Support

December 1, 2011
Gary P Delagnes SFPOA President

It would be easy to sit back and gloat over our trouncing of Jeff Adachi in the November election, and let him be to scurry about in the shadows cast on his mediocrity by more prominent and successful politicians.  It would be easy to treat him with the snubbing that he deserves; that of another defeated antagonist who, in desperation, attempted to use the good name and reputation of dedicated San Francisco police officers to further his own personal career and the cop-bashing agenda of the far left.  But, I can’t let go of this rat’s tail just yet.

In a recent “press conference” – which he called at the frenzied height of his failing mayoral campaign – Adachi falsely and irresponsibly “exposed” yet another group of corrupt police officers, this time a team working out of Mission Station. By doing so, he once again effectively tread on the backs of some very fine and forthright street cops. One of his first salvos, of course, was the very unlawyerly trial-by-media that he waged against officers at Southern Station several months ago.

But, enough is enough. The allegations and innuendo that Adachi put forth as an intended campaign-saver were too outrageous to ignore. To refute his allegations, I sent the following letter to the San Francisco Chronicle. On November 21, 2011, it appeared as a letter to the editor. I reprint it here as a public show of support for these beleaguered cops, and for all past and future officers who have or will suffer by this hack’s folly.


A Cheap Shot at Police     
Published in the San Francisco Chronicle

November 21, 2011


Now that the election is behind us, the political attacks need to cease, especially when they are ruining the lives of men who have dedicated their lives to protecting and serving the public.

For several months, ironically during campaign season, Public Defender Jeff Adachi has been convening press conferences for the express purpose of unfairly slandering police officers with innuendo and unfounded allegations.  Without any evidence, Mr. Adachi has made these egregious claims while none of the accused officers has been disciplined or indicted. 

Police officers understand that they are held to a higher standard, but so too are all elected officials. We question how Mr. Adachi, as the elected Public Defender of San Francisco, and an officer of the court, can so readily and flippantly abandon the most fundamental tenant of American justice; that all accused are innocent until proven guilty.

I have worked side-by-side with these officers: Sgt. Kevin Healy, Officer Ricardo Guerrero, Officer Pete Richardson, and Officer Jake Fegan for more than twelve years. In that time more than 4,000 arrests were made, over 500 pounds of contraband drugs were confiscated, and in excess of $2 million in cash was seized.  Never has there been a complaint of theft or improper police procedure that was ever found to have merit.

Adachi’s outlandish claims are an abuse of power.  He has accomplished his mission in one area. He has made the streets of San Francisco an easier place for all of his prospective clients to ply their trade. –