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Just Who We Needed

June 1, 2011
Gary P Delagnes SFPOA President

I first met Greg Suhr in 1981 while we were both working midnights in the Central District. I walked the 41 beat in the Tenderloin, while Suhr and his partner, Dan Toomey, worked the One Car in the same area. It was apparent from the beginning that young Officer Suhr had a tremendous career ahead of him. He did his job, didn't complain, and went about his business. He was tough, smart, and always had a great sense of humor. He "got it" early. He understood the only way you can effectively promote in this department, and still keep the respect of the rank and file, was to do your time on the streets, learn your craft, keep your mouth shut, and learn the job from those that came before you.

Officer Greg Suhr worked nights his entire time at Central before moving on to PBTF where he was mentored by the legendary Bruce Marovich. As he moved on to Narcotics and subsequently began a string of promotions, he never forgot where he came from. Even as a supervisor, Suhr would never ask another cop to do what he would not do himself.

We have remained friends for 30 years, and we happen to share the common goal of wanting to make the SFPD the best law enforcement organization possible. Suhr’s career – like many of our own -- has had its ups and downs, and he has persevered and emerged from each struggle stronger and wiser. Few people thought the day would come when Greg Suhr would receive the call that he had been appointed Chief of Police -- least of all Greg. But through perseverance and persistence that call did come, and we will be a better department because of it. Chief Suhr is truly the choice of the rank- and-file, so it is now time for us to validate the selection by working as hard and being as professional as is he.

Our members have complained of low morale for many years because they did not believe in the leadership of the department. That lament is now effectively silenced. Let us move forward as a department in a positive direction with the right leadership at this very critical time. Mayor Ed Lee deserves a tremendous amount of credit for recognizing Chief Suhr as the right person for the job. Let us show the Mayor he made the right choice.