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Monday, May 01, 2017
“Well, Then The Law is Crazy.”
The headline of this article is a classic quote delivered by the frustrated fictional character SFPD Inspector Harry Callahan in the 1971 movie Dirty Harry. In the movie, Inspector Callahan was having a conversation with the District Attorney and a Judge about key evidence in a case. Read More

Saturday, April 01, 2017
Close Encounters
You may not have known Officer Lesley Zerebny or Officer Jose Gilbert Vega but they were members of the Palm Springs Police Department and were both killed in the line of duty on October 8, 2016. Read More

Wednesday, February 01, 2017
February 2017 - Calendar of Events
Mark your calendars for the following meetings and events by the POA and its friends and supporters. All dates and times are subject to last minute changes, so always contact the event coordinator to confirm dates and times. If you have an event you would like posted on our calendar, contact the editor at Read More

Wednesday, February 01, 2017
POA Mourns Sudden Death of Officer Stuart Molver
The POA and SFPD family was greatly saddened upon the news that on-duty SFPD Officer Stuart Molver died suddenly while on the job at San Francisco International Airport.  He was just 53. Read More

Wednesday, February 01, 2017
2017: There is Much Work to Do, and We Shall Be Heard
Now that the election is over it is time to roll up our sleeves and get back to the business at hand. 2017 will present some difficult challenges for the POA, and we will not back down when it comes to our rights, our safety, and the safety of the community that we serve.  Read More

Thursday, December 01, 2016
Close Encounters
It’s the end of the year and we still have a number of police reports describing incidents involving outstanding police work that we didn’t have time to mention in the earlier columns. So here goes . . . Read More

Thursday, December 01, 2016
The Books Are Closed on 2016. Thank God.
Every December since I became President of the POA, I have recapped the progress that we have made during the year. I have also reported some of the short-comings. This year will be no different. Read More

Tuesday, November 01, 2016
Officer Kevin Downs; A True Hero Both On and Off Duty
406 Officer Down!....406 Officer Down! Read More

Saturday, October 01, 2016
SFPD Marine Unit Officers Pull Eight Young Sailors from Bay Waters
Historic Sea Scout boat “Viking” had capsized Read More

Saturday, October 01, 2016
The Boys in the Boat
By Daniel James Brown   Read More

Saturday, October 01, 2016
October 2016 - Calendar of Events
Mark your calendars for the following meetings and events by the POA and its friends and supporters. All dates and times are subject to last minute changes, so always contact the event coordinator to confirm dates and times. If you have an event you would like posted on our calendar, contact the editor at Read More

Saturday, October 01, 2016
Jeff Adachi’s Solution…Fight The Police
In the September 16, 2016 edition of SF Gate there was a headline article of “Adachi says defendant in BART arrest had the right to fight police.” Apparently Public Defender Jeff Adachi will be arguing in court that his client’s “actions were necessary in order for him to save his life.” Part of those actions condoned by Mr. Read More

Thursday, September 01, 2016
The Korean War Memorial The “Forgotten War” Veterans Are Finally Honored
On June 25, 1950, the Korean War began when soldiers from the North Korean People’s Army poured across the 38th parallel, which was the boundary between the Soviet-backed People’s Republic of Korea to the north, and the pro-western Republic of Korea to the south. Read More

Monday, August 01, 2016
August 2016 - Calendar of Events
Mark your calendars for the following meetings and events by the POA and its friends and supporters. All dates and times are subject to last minute changes, so always contact the event coordinator to confirm dates and times. If you have an event you would like posted on our calendar, contact the editor at Read More

Monday, August 01, 2016
Persevering the Violence and Blame America’s Cops Have Been There Before
Many men and women in law enforcement who serve and protect our communities 24/7 365 days a year are asking this question “Am I next? Are we now targets for factions of our community who need us the most?” Read More

Wednesday, June 01, 2016
Northern Station Leads USO Showers Campaign
Thank you to everyone who is supporting the SFO USO shower program. As far as the station donations go, Co. E is currently in the lead with an incredible $4,210 in donations! Next up is Co. F Read More

Wednesday, June 01, 2016
Calling San Francisco's Silent Majority; Isn’t It Time to Send Some Inept Politicians Packing?
The actions taken by our elected officials following the tragic events of May 19, 2016 were a panderer’s delight; sacrificing a dedicated Chief of Police to appease a knot of noisy troublemakers. Read More

Sunday, May 01, 2016
May 2016 - Calendar of Events
Mark your calendars for the following meetings and events by the POA and its friends and supporters. All dates and times are subject to last minute changes, so always contact the event coordinator to confirm dates and times. If you have an event you would like posted on our calendar, contact the editor at Read More

Sunday, May 01, 2016
PAL Corner
Bayview Cops Work With Willie Mays Kids Read More