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...Crime Lab

April 1, 2010
Around The Department

The Silver Lining to the Crime Lab scandal is that we may end up with a state of the art, well funded, well staffed lab that will efficiently provide the forensics that will send more criminals to jail and clear the innocent. LA got its state of the art lab after being raked over the coals during the O.J. Simpson trial…

…Do you know???

-The difference between an encumbered dollar and an unencumbered dollar? (During contract negotiations.)

-The reason a defined benefit pension is more secure than a defined contribution pension?

-Are you a member of Social Security (hint most public safety and teachers are not)?

-What you need to qualify for Medicare if you are not a member of Social Security and why you must start young to do so?

If you do not know the answers to those questions then you have not attended one of the retirement seminars so please schedule yourself for one. Discuss these questions with your family members, co-workers and financial analyst; conduct research and stay on top of what is going on in your (personnel) financial situation. Also visit the Retirement Systems website at and familiarize yourself with the benefit structure you belong to. You may be surprised what you will learn…


Visit the HIDTA website at if you are interested in signing up for additional training. The training calendar lists upcoming classes and the number of seats left in each. Most classes are free to local law enforcement officers…

…Retiree on the move:

Retired Lieutenant Jim Speros has been traveling the world a police trainer since retiring. He writes the following about his latest assignment. "Our wait is over and I am deploying to Dushanbe, Tajikistan, as the National Director for Community Policing Development in early April. I will be with a small team of experts on a CIVPOL project for the US State Department working with the Minister of Interior, his national police leadership, key stakeholders in government and the public for at least a year.
What is great is that since this is not a combat or high-risk zone so Laurianne will be able to come over and stay, once I am settled in and have rented a house or apartment.
So look forward to pictures from the Silk Road in a former colony of the Soviet Union. To jog the cobwebs of your high school geography, Tajikistan sits in Central Asia, surrounded byAfghanistan on the Oxys River, China, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan." If you are interested in pursuing a career with the State Department you can write Jim at or just send a note to say hello and that will get you a picture or two from the Silk Road…

…Class reunion:

The 117th recruit class will be holding a class reunion on September 11, 2010. Retirees John Carlin and Mike Edmond are putting the event together. Mike can be reached via e-mail at and asks that we pass on the word to any member of the 117th class…

… Birth:

Daniel (Mission Station) and Karla Kroos recently announced the birth of their daughter, Mia Patty Kroos. Mia arrived on February 4, 2010 at 7 pounds, 14 ounces, and 18.5 inches head to toe. Congratulations to the Budding Kroos family!


Retiree Joe Carlin writes that he and Ellen now have three grandchildren 1 year old Anna Cecilia has joined sister, Carlin age 7 and brother, Joey 3 years courtesy of their daughter Marcy and husband Nick Corea. Congrats to all…


Retired and active solos are having regular monthly luncheons organized by retired solo Bill Pyne. The latest lunch was held March 30th. If you want to get on the list for upcoming lunches and events write Bill at - Up in the foothills the "Foothill Fuzz" meets on a regular basis for more information write Joe Carlin at - In the North Bay Retiree John Wyman is trying to revive the bi-monthly Police luncheons in Santa Rosa. If interested in attending contact John at

…Back in Action:

Retiree John Candido was out of action over the holidays but is now up and at it attending social events. Welcome back John…

…Lake Tahoe PD:

If you visit South Lake Tahoe and the officer in the cruiser looks familiar your eyes will not be deceiving you. That is Rich Alves recently of SID who is on patrol…


Retiree Gus Coreris forwarded an excellent How To video to Editor Ray Shine that all of you should take a few moments to view. The video was produced by Consumer Reports, and shows what to do (and what not to do) if your car suddenly accelerates out of control. You will need a computer to view the video. Go to this address, and watch carefully: