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Brian Stansbury Wins Election to Retirement Board

October 1, 2012
Gary P Delagnes SFPOA President

Dedicated campaigner rises to the challenge

Let me begin with a hearty congratulations to POA member Brian Stansbury on his election victory for the open seat on the San Francisco Retirement Board. Brian will fill the vacancy left by retiree Al Casciato, and he joins firefighter Joe Driscoll as a second representative from public safety to sit on this important panel. Brian received 7,036 votes, and his opponent received 6,298 votes. It was close, and Brian fought long and hard for his win.

When Brian initially approached me with the prospect of running for the seat, I must admit that I was skeptical. That proved to be a naive under-estimation on my part, because after the interview, I realized that Brian was exceptionally qualified for the job. While his law enforcement experience is only five years in the SFPD, his university education and experience in the world of fund management and investment banking is extensive. I soon realized that he would be a perfect fit for the complex job of overseeing our massive retirement fund.

Brian entered the race as a definite underdog. I was very much bothered by the fact that his opponents seemed less concerned with Brian's qualifications, and more concerned with blocking another member of public safety from the seat. We are all city employees and should all have the same interests in assuring that the retirement system stays fully funded. Brian' s fiduciary decisions will not be driven by the fact that he is a police officer. He will vote as a full-time employee the City and County of San Francisco who is duty-bound to oversee and protect our vast retirement system. When the retirement system flourishes we all thrive. It should not matter what department or agency our representatives come from, but what their qualifications are.

What was most impressive about Brian was how he "Got after it." He went to union halls, fire houses, and work sites and was able to convince over 7,000 city workers (active and retired) to cast their vote for him. 80-90% of the unions in San Francisco backed Brian 's opponent, but because of Brian's hard work, talent, and ability to connect with people, we were able to help put him over the top.

Brian is a great example of the sort of determination and dedication that we need more of in this association. He demonstrates a willingness to get involved and take the torch in moving this organization forward, and he sees the value in keeping us a strong and viable force in the affairs of city government.

Thank you, Brian, for campaigning so hard, and for your willingness to lead our members forward in these challenging times.