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POA President focused on process of hiring new Chief

January 10, 2011
Gary P Delagnes SFPOA President

I was taken by complete surprise to learn that George Gascon accepted the interim position of District Attorney. When I received a personal call from the Chief Sunday morning, I expressed my concerns and regret about his departure from our Department. I also told him that I was optimistic that his appointment would be a good first step in bridging the gap between the DA’s office and the SFPD that has existed for a very long time.

I am working with the Executive Board and others to ensure that the next Chief of Police will be the best choice for our members. I have always believed that there is ample qualified talent in this Department from which to appoint a Chief of Police and that a nationwide search is unnecessary. We will do everything in our power to ensure that the next Chief will be a veteran member of the SFPD.

As in all political challenges of the past, we will rely heavily on our unity, experience and supporting network to secure the best leadership possible.