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Dear Mr. Brown,

October 1, 2010
Gary P Delagnes SFPOA President

Dear Mr. Brown,

It came as a great disappointment to those of us in public sector labor and safety that you have chosen to support Proposition “B,” the rabid anti-labor legislation proposed by Jeff Adachi and several other multi-millionaires. The effects of this scapegoat measure will be most sorely felt by the working public sector families of this city that earn $50K per year or less. Think about that, Mr. Brown. Imagine trying to raise an entire family on less money than you might require for a single political endorsement.

As Mayor, your advice to Mr. Adachi would have been to talk to labor before introducing such a draconian charter amendment. I can assure you that no calls were made to any labor leader prior to the introduction of this amendment, and it is hard to imagine that you would approve of such a slap in the face to those who so loyally supported you.

As mayor, you gladly accepted millions of dollars in political donations from labor unions throughout the state. You were a strong and consistent defender of those in the labor movement who struggled for years to obtain fair wages, benefits, and working conditions. You were instrumental in moving all of those gains forward and setting a fair benchmark in San Francisco. Now, you have turned your back on those who have long been among the most rock-solid of your political base.

How ironically apropos that a sharp right-hand turn onto 3rd Street (soon to be renamed in your honor) from Civic Center follows a one-way street out of town.

Yours truly,

Gary Delagnes, President
San Francisco Police Officers Association