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Martin Halloran SFPOA President

Social Media vs. Privacy Rights

Published Date: 
February 1, 2015

Big Brother is Watching

This past December, the department issued Department Bulletin 14-267,  Social Media Policy. This DB addresses new grounds beyond DGO 10.07 and DGO 10.08. All members need to be aware that this DB will likely be amended within the next year. It is highly probable that the department will establish, in the very near future, a new DGO related to social media and information shared by members -- both on and off duty. 

Journal Edition: 

A Mayor Who “Gets It”

Published Date: 
February 1, 2015

As all law enforcement throughout the country are mourning the tragic loss of our brothers in New York, who were brutally assassinated simply for wearing the uniform, we are witnessing a huge rift between the members of the NY PBA and the Mayor of New York. This discord had been growing for months and was exacerbated by the Mayor’s public comments denouncing the NYPD, which occurred weeks before the assassination of Officer Rafael Ramos and Officer Wenjian Liu.

Journal Edition: 

We Are Not The Enemy

Published Date: 
January 1, 2015

I cannot remember a time when there has been more anti law enforcement sentiment circulating through our society. It is not surprising coming from the anarchist who hijack legal and lawful 1st amendment demonstrations only to vandalize, loot, and assault officers. What is particularly disturbing is the rhetoric being spewed by some media outlets, some elected politicians, and some who claim to be faith based or community leaders.

Journal Edition: 

SFPOA Condolences for Two Slain Deputies

Published Date: 
November 1, 2014

I speak for all members of the San Francisco Police Officers Association when I express sympathy and condolences to the families and friends of two northern California Deputy Sheriffs killed by the same shooter on Friday, October 24, 2014.

Sacramento County Deputy Danny Oliver, 47, was the first to be killed while approaching the suspect’s vehicle to investigate a possible carjacking. Deputy Oliver, a 15-year veteran of the force, left behind a wife and two daughters.

Journal Edition: 

A Fight To Maintain Our Rights

Published Date: 
October 1, 2014

On August 11, 2014, a decision was rendered in People v. Superior Court of San Francisco County (Daryl Lee Johnson). The court held that the prosecution must have access to peace officer personnel files in order to identify impeachment evidence under Brady v. Maryland (1963) 373 U.S. 83. Under this ruling, prosecutors will now be required to search the personnel file of a peace officer each time the officer is subpoenaed as prosecution witnesses.

Journal Edition: 

I wrote to Mr. Campos to express my outrage

Published Date: 
June 1, 2014

In a recent public debate, Supervisor Campos attempted to elicit votes in his bid for the State Assembly by deriding the SFPD rank and file, belittling the POA Executive Board, and minimizing the significance of the POA endorsement of his chief opponent, Supervisor David Chiu.

I wrote to Mr. Campos to express my outrage, and refuted his inaccurate statements. That letter is reprinted here.


Journal Edition: 

Detailing to Depletion

Published Date: 
April 1, 2014

At the end of this fiscal year on June 30, 2014, the department will see the last of the DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Program) members retiring based on service. Depending on the figures provided by either the department or the POA, those numbers range from 65 officers up to possibly 80 officers. These numbers do not include folks who are retiring based on regular yearly attrition. That number could possibly reach an additional 40 to 50 officers annually.

Journal Edition: 


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